Let A_{nxn} be a given square matrix. Compute the number of multiplications and additions required to evaluate A^{28} using:
a) the naive method, A^{28} = A * A * A *...* A (28 times)
b) A^2, A^4 = A^2 . A^2, etc.


Number of multiplications required to calculate one element of product matrix = n
Number of additions required to calculate one element of product matrix = n-1

Let multiplications be x & additions be y.
Total number of operations to calculate one element of product matrix = nx + (n-1)y
Size of matrix A_{n*n} = n * n = n^2
Thus, total number of operations required to calculate all elements of the product matrix = n^2 [nx + (n-1)y]

Answer a:

Using Naive method, there will be 27 matrix multiplications to get A^{28}.
Thus, total operations required for A^{28} via naive method = 27n^2[nx + (n-1)y]

Answer b:

If we divide & conquer & store the intermediate results, it can be done via below steps:

A^2 = A * A
A^4 = A^2 * A^2
A^8 = A^4 * A^4
A^{16} = A^8 * A^8
A^{12} = A^8 * A^4
A^{28} = A^{16} * A^{12}

Total number of matrix multiplications required via this method to get A^{28} = 6
Thus, total operations required for A^{28} via divide & conquer = 6n^2[nx + (n-1)y]

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